By Alan Kong|December 14, 2015

In a galaxy far, far away, Yoda is in a rush leaving his home so that he can impart more of his wisdom onto Luke Skywalker.

Yoda holds down the home button of his android phone and says, “Call Luke Skywalker You Will”

His mobile phone responds with, “Calling Darth Vader”

Yoda freaks out, drops everything in his hands, and takes out his light saber to destroy the phone.

“Whew, close one that was.”

This scenario has happened one too many times. So why do our mobile phones do this to us?

Are companies like Google’s Android’s voice control a part of the dark side? It sure feels like it sometimes.

You wonder sometimes why a gigantic company like Google cannot perfect their own in-house avatar. Why is it that 5 times out of 10, it doesn’t give you what you actually ask for?

Is Google not using the force enough?

We actually have the answer. And surprisingly, it is a very human answer.

Padawan Vs Jedi

As humans, we have to spend 13 years in school just to be a generalist in life.

How are the conversations with high schoolers? Well…very general.

You also don’t get the responses you desire. Kinda-of-like with Google Now.

Then, we reach college, and we spend 4 years hoping we figured out the right specialty in life.

After that, the specialty really kicks in. It takes 5+ years to become more of an expert working in your field.

If you head to medical school, you’re in school for another 8+ years.

Think of it now: how do the conversations go when we reach these levels of our careers? It is SIGNIFICANTLY more specialized and precise.

MAYBE then, can we be considered a Jedi in our fields.

Therefore, Google Now, the robot avatar has broken a common law of humans: “specialize” in too many things and you become a master of none.

And that seems to be the difficulty that Google Now is having – there’s just too much information.

“Help Me Siri. You’re My Only Hope”

Since Google is showing that they’re flunking, we believe it is time for Apple’s Siri to head to Jedi training school.

More particularly in our case, we want Siri to head to medical school! More on this in a second.

You see, in our society, we see medical professionals as extremely smart. After all, we HAVE to in order to trust them with our health.

But, at the end of the day, medical professionals are still humans. They still make mistakes, misdiagnose, and even run trial-and-errors on your body to finally find the right cure.

I don’t know about you, but I surely wouldn’t like to be a trial-and-error medical case.

It’s not the faults of the medical professionals though – their limitation is their own human brain. While the brain is insanely impressive, it can still store only a certain amount of information and can only recall a limited portion of what has been stored. The brain ages, sleeps and has breakdowns.

There are infinite amounts of information about every imaginable (and unimaginable) condition and disease out there. Whose brain can manage this vast array of information and keep it current with new emerging technology? Nobody’s!

If Siri went to medical school, that changes all that.

You see, doctors use logical reasoning to figure out what your issues and conditions may be.

They’ll ask you questions and based on your answers, they can determine your most likely malady. You may think that only the human brain can do that.

Until now.

When Siri goes to medical school, it becomes a specialist and is able to develop and “learn” the same human logical reasoning, except better.

Medical school Siri does not have limitations like the human brain has. The storage is unlimited, which means that every possible medical condition, treatment, diagnosis, and more is at your disposal as a doctor and a consumer. The new avatar brain can also hold images, videos, animation and every document to expand its range of knowledge.

Watch the video below if you’re a medical professional and discover how Q, your medical avatar, can change the way you practice forever or read more about it here:

Watch the video below if you’re a consumer and see how Q, your medical avatar, can make your life much more convenient or read more about it here:

And the best part is that the system is constantly updated for the most relevant diagnostic practices and treatment options.

It is in our belief that Siri has absolutely the best chances of helping make a medical avatar a reality in the near future, along with your help, fellow Jedis.

You see, Siri has the interface technology, but no properly structured usable content.

That’s where we come in at KQI Medical – we want to bring it all together. Here's Q again to show you how it's all going to come together.

Unity of Patients & Doctors

Today, we are living in a healthcenter focused world. Big hospitals and big clinics are taking over everything. In the current state of the doctor-patient relationship, a lot of information gets lost because the patient is not limited to one group and one location. Your cumulative medical data is often spread throughout the community and not collocated at one site.

And there are a whole host of things that can cause this problem, such as:

  • There’s information available from out-of-network doctors with different specialties. These outside systems don’t talk or communicate with each other. In other words, there’s no uniform place for the one patient’s information
  • Doctors are currently using electronic medical record systems with little intelligence or medical knowledge. Doctors have become a slaves to the bureaucracy filling out forms and generating billing codes. This is not what they trained for and is killing the patient-physician encounter.
  • Patients don’t understanding these complex issues and just want the problem solved which often doesn’t happen. Often a new medication becomes the solution to getting the patient pacified and out the door.
  • Doctors now need to churn out as many patients as possible to pay the bills so there’s a lack of quality time and education in the process
  • And the list goes on and on

However, what if doctors and patients are on the same page? What if the patient became the hub of his own medical record; The center of his own medical universe? That would mean significantly better care for the patients. It would also expedite the doctor’s data gathering process for more effective results with a consolidated patient-centric medical information system.

By using medical avatars and an intelligent patient-centered medical record, there exist the possibility of a revolution in the healthcare delivery industry where the patient becomes the hub of information flow and the avatar offers a personal access to home based medical advice and treatment options. Read more about this coming singularity.

Therefore, doctors and patients could see dramatically greater results with a substantial drop in the cost of healthcare.

And by unifying the information about a patient in one patient-centric digital location, not only will a medical avatar help with stronger logical reasoning, but the diagnosis and treatment process can be expedited and simplified.

Let’s be honest. As of now, none of us really enjoy going to the doctor. It takes hours to go, wait forever in the office and then get a brief and often inconclusive consultation.

Patients mainly go if they’re really feeling sick and have no options. Many prefer to go the emergency room if they can’t be seen quickly.

However, your personal medical avatar can be that friendly companion that listens to your complaint in the middle of the night and can provide wise counsel for your diagnostic dilemma. Personal healthcare as near as your voice interface is coming and it can be a reality if we want to make it happen.

So, young Jedi, the choice is yours. We need your help to unify Siri’s interface technology with our intelligent medical databases to create the first-generation medical avatar.

Both the medical professionals and the world’s consumers deserve a new direction in healthcare delivery.

Quite a difference in the world, you can make, young Jedi.

If you want to try our free diagnostic engine that Q recommends, register here